Command-line application

A simple command-line application included in the distribution demonstrates the processing of experts's estimates. The main script is, which runs the Java application in (see the link for details).

There are two alternative formats to run this application from the command line (or from a shell script in Linux, or a batch file in MS Windows). The first format is illustrated in the script

java -classpath md.jar -DR=R K input_file "ground_truth"
java -classpath md.jar -DR=3 3 data/test.dat "5,5,5,85"
Here, the -classpath option (mandatory) indicates the location of the JAR file with the application's binary code; the -DR=... option, if supplied sets the weight scaling parameter R (see Scaled weights); K is the number of obsevation periods. For the format of the input file and the "ground truth", see the explanation in or demo/demoexpertsform.jsp.

One can also run the application with random data (which it would generate itself), e.g.

 java -DR=2  -classpath md.jar 3 random

The second command-line format (preferred by some users) uses -jar md.jar instead of -classpath md.jar, for example

 java -DR=2 -jar md.jar 3 random

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